Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My First Post...

Well, I'm sort of new to this blogging thing. I thought I would give it a try. I have been a single mom now for almost two years. Before that I was a stay at home Mom and Wife, for 11 years. I was very happily a stay at home Mom & Wife! I kind of got thrown into this life with out a clue as to how strange and difficult things would be. My own mom was a single mom, you think I would have known. But silly me, all I knew was that mom worked all the time and we only saw her on vacations and long changes ( when you have 3 or 4 days off between 3rd shift and 1st shift). Anyway, I was totally unprepared for what it meant to be a single mom.

I knew about the changes that would take place in my kids. I was 10 when my parents split, being the oldest of 3 kids, 4 years older than Ray and 7 years older than Matt; I knew that my children would become totally different people than they were before the Divorce. And they have changed and continue to do so. It saddens me greatly.

However, that has not been the hardest part. Finding a job....that is the hard part. I had no idea that it was so hard to find a decent job these days. Way back when, when I worked before the kids were born, finding a job was easy. You called up everyone you knew and said, "hey, I'm looking for a new job." They called you back and said, "We need a new ___, or so and so knows where they have ____ job available." You went over filled out and application,you had an Interview with a person, and they usually told you right then if you were hired or not.

Now days it seems that you have to be a rocket scientist to assemble a hamburger. No, not really, but the job market is tough. And trying to find a job flexible enough to still be the interactive parent that you were before the Divorce, and that has decent benefits, and that pays enough so that you can move out of your mother's house and have a home of your own, is almost impossible.

I have some college, I have some daycare experience, but what I don't have is a Degree, or 2-5 years experience. Some times I want to put on my resume, "Hey I managed a household on a soldier's salary, and raised two kids to the healthy ages of 13, and 12. We are all still alive, a little emotionally banged up, but alive and kicking."

Well, I guess that is all for now...because If I don't quit typing and get in the shower, I will be late for work...Serving Lunch at a little diner...A far cry from the English Professor that I planed to be!

1 comment:

Queen Holly the Magnificent said...

Hopefully you will find the best job ever in the whole world. Like video game tester or cake decorator or dog petter or the people that get paid to drink beer.